Modulina LLC

Linear modules for cylindrical vehicles

Why open-architecture instead of open-source?

Modulina® enables the seamless integration of modules from different vendors while maintaining the ownership of each module with its respective provider. This approach contrasts sharply with open source’s collective, community-driven model, where the product is owned by no single person or company. As such, Modulina® adopts an open-architecture model rather than an open-source one.

However, within the Modulina® system, anyone can create their own modules and opt to make the hardware and software open source, enabling others to view, use, modify, and share the designs. Each module will still need a license from Modulina, as well as a Modutrust™ integrated circuit, which offers validation, authentication, encryption, decryption, digital signatures, and secure key storage.

Why open-architecture instead of open-source?

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